Welcome to the New World Chorale Blog!
Welcome to the New World Chorale Blog! We set this up to allow New World Chorale members to share their experiences, ideas, and knowledge about choral music. There are so many fascinating people who sing with New World Chorale, including people involved with a lot of history of choral singing in the Boston area, as well as people in all sorts of walks of life and intellectual interests. Think of this as sort of like the conversations we have at the Chinese restaurant after a rehearsal — not too formal, but sharing the music we all love.
Here’s how to use the blog: if you want to comment on a post, just click on the “comments” text at the top of each post. You can also read the comments left by other people the same way. We do ask that you provide your name and email address with each comment: that’s to keep things civil and to avoid spammers and so on.
We welcome your posts to the blog — if you’d like to post something about your interests, just let me know (you can talk to me at most rehearsals or just make a comment here) and I’ll help you get it set up. We’ll probably focus on pieces we’ll be performing soon, but we’re not limited to that.
Chris Loschen